A Clothing Compromise Teens and Parents Can Love
Parents, are you fed up with your teenagers nickel-and-diming you for the latest clothing that they just must have? Teenagers, are you sick and tired of your parents not understanding why you need those new jeans? Compromise by following this process. It may make both sides happy and teach teens some money skills.
Good Debt/Bad Debt
Not all debt is necessarily bad, particularly when it can help you build wealth. It?s important to know the difference between good debt and bad debt and how to sort the good from the bad. If you buy something that immediately goes down in value, that?s bad debt. Let?s say you buy disposable items or durable goods with a high-interest credit card, and you don?t pay the balance in full when the bill arrives.
Back-to-School Shopping: A Teachable Moment
Back-to-school shopping is an annual event perfect for talking to your kids about budgeting and saving money, and the difference between needs and wants.Kids need to be taught about why budgets matter or why spending more than you have budgeted should be avoided.
Laid Off and Looking for Work After 50
Many older workers are struggling to land on their feet after a layoff and having to settle for entry-level jobs. Some are starting their own business. If you're older than age 50 and looking for work for the first time in several years, know where to go for help because the job search process has changed (CNNMoney.com). Compounding the problem is a growing pool of older workers.