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Be Safe Shopping Online

Be Safe Shopping Online

As online shopping grows, it's crucial to prioritize safety. Secure your devices, shop with trusted merchants, and use secure websites. We recommend using Garden Savings' digital account services, especially SecurLock Equip, to safeguard against unauthorized transactions and cyber fraud. fraud. We are committed to helping our members stay secure while enjoying the convenience of online shopping.

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What Does Co-Signing on a Loan Mean?

What Does Co-Signing on a Loan Mean?

Co-signing a loan can help someone establish credit, but it comes with risks. At Garden Savings, we have tips to make it successful, such as setting up automated payments and agreeing to limits. Remember, co-signing means you're responsible for the debt, so be fully informed before signing. Read on for more.

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Avoiding Postmortem Identity Theft

Avoiding Postmortem Identity Theft

Discover how postmortem identity theft affects families after a loved one dies and what steps you can take to prevent it. Learn how scammers obtain personal information and use it to open fraudulent credit accounts and more. Protect your loved ones by taking the necessary precautions and following the guidelines provided. Click to read more.

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Financial Warning Signs You Cant Ignore

Financial Warning Signs You Cant Ignore

Wouldn?t it be nice if we could wave a magic wand and make money troubles just disappear? Regretfully, real life doesn?t work that way. However, we do have the power to take steps to correct it?and the first step is to recognize that there is a problem. Read more to learn how you can spot the financial warning signs you can't ignore.

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